Piney Grove Safety Awareness and Self-Defense

Introduction Night for Youth and Parents (6th Grade – 12th Grade)
Sunday, April 28, 2013, at 6:00 PM ~ Location: Fellowship Hall

A safety awareness and self-defense class will be held Sunday, April 28, 2013, with particular focus on safety awareness and a demonstration of basic self-defense techniques. These skills will be taught in ongoing, multiple classes to all who are interested. Introductory classes will also be offered to children, women, and men.

We are going to have a fun time while addressing a serious topic: the safety of our youth. Classes will be led by Mark Hooker (4th Degree Black Belt/25 years of experience) and
Dale Watson (Mount Airy Chief of Police).

“For God did not us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and self-discipline.”
2 Timothy 1:7