From the Pastor

An Invitation to Begin “Telling the Story”

It is hard to believe, but I have now been serving as Senior Pastor at Piney Grove for just over six months.  Just a year ago, I was interviewing with the Pastor Search Committee online (while I had the flu!) and beginning the season of discerning God’s call in my life and ministry.

My family and I are so thankful God has called me here.

There is a very positive spirit in the church right now and I see the Spirit’s work in many ways:

*a more engaged Sunday school and Wednesday Bible Study

*renewed children’s ministry with Children in Action

*good momentum in our youth ministry with Sunday night attendance increasing

*additional families/couples/individuals attending worship

*strong missions giving and local missions participation, like Room in the Inn

*faithful giving in our weekly offerings

*continued excellence in worship and music ministry each Sunday

And I could go on…

At just over six months in, I now feel that I am familiar enough with the church and the community to begin thinking about where and what God is calling us to do and to be in this new season of ministry.  Our current sermon series is entitled “I Love to Tell the Story.”  On one level this means sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with others.  As a church, it also means sharing who we are with others.  Each church, like each person, has a specific, God-given calling.  My hope is that we as a church will find even better ways to communicate that calling, both within and beyond our church walls, in the next year.

To begin this process of “Telling the Story,” I have invited the former Pastor Search Committee to join me for a time of prayer and discovery as we seek to be the church God is calling us to be in 2020 and beyond.  This group consists of Debbie Post, Tim Creed, Dennis Miller, Michella Huff, Amanda Smith, and Tommy Haymore.

The former Pastor Search Committee is made up of deacons, teachers, and church leaders.  They represent a wide age range.  Some have been lifelong members of Piney Grove.  Others are relatively new.  Piney Grove placed a lot of trust in this group to call a new pastor and start a new chapter for this church.  While that new chapter is only beginning, we trust that God can and will do amazing things through this church if we continue seeking Him.

On Saturday, March 28, 2020, this small team will gather for a morning retreat to pray and decide next steps for “Telling the Story.”  Following the retreat, we will keep the congregation and deacons informed and find ways for all to be involved in this exciting new chapter of ministry here at Piney Grove.  I hope you will begin praying for a renewed sense of God’s vision at our church, for our church leaders, and for our community within and beyond our church walls.

The best is yet to be!

In Christ,

Pastor Kyle